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Purpose & Role Qualifications

Purpose of Onboarding Lead

The purpose of an HCP Onboarding lead is primarily to get the club members acquainted with the general structure, support, and information offered at HCP. We do this by supporting members in forming teams, managing the project team waitlist, guiding members towards our resources, and Project Managing teams in their initial formation quarter. Note, each onboarding lead MUST lead at least one project team during the team formation date.

Role Qualifications

Hard Skills

It is required that Onboarding leads have a full understanding of the club structure, including but not limited to the team formation process, member verification process, club events, and other operational details. This may include going through the project formation process yourself or having similar experiences with on-the-job experience.

Soft Skills

  • First and foremost, onboarding leads NEED to be able to communicate clearly with club leads, new members, and project team members. This includes communicating the progress of your teams with other club leads/co-chairs.

  • Onboarding leads also need to have the ability to lead and guide a team through the initial stages of project development by serving as Club Lead PM. They should be able to communicate expectations and deadlines to their project team members.


Onboarding leads should be available/attend every general meeting for the entire duration, with exceptions for extenuating circumstances (sick, emergency, etc.). Outside of general meetings, onboarding leads should respond to teams they are leading to support and give advice. This may be done synchronously by meeting with teams to discuss progress (preferred) or asynchronously via Discord messages.

Time Commitment

The time commitment of onboarding leads is approximately 3 - 5 hours per week. The breakdown of time usage per week is as follows:

  • [1.5+ hrs] General Meeting (Check-in & assist with your Club Lead PM teams)
  • [0.5 - 1.5 hrs] Communication with teams that you are leading
  • [1+ hrs] Meetings with other club leads, one on ones with cochairs, and other misc tasks.

This is just a sample average breakdown of weekly time commitment. Time commitment varies throughout the quarter, but expect more during weeks when you guide teams through their initial formation.


Onboarding leads are in charge of guiding teams through the team formation process and early stages of their project. This includes facilitating Team Formation Day and project managing new teams after new teams are formed.

Connecting Members with Resources

There are two types of resources that onboarding team members can help members access. The first type is external tutorials and guides on different tech topics. The second is access to other club members with experience with a topic.

Tutorials and Guides

Husky Coding Project members and leads have compiled a list of resources they found useful in the past. These consist of Youtube videos, example projects, and online courses. The list of resources can be found here [Programming Coding Resources]

Human Resources

Due to HCP’s wide range of member experience levels, project types, and cooperative culture, our members are wonderful resources for one another. As an onboarding lead or project manager, you need to know what other projects exist and what technologies they use. This is important for two situations. First, you can initiate communication between your team and another that faces similar challenges so that they can work together. Second, you can connect your team with members of a more experienced team who can guide your members.

Quarters We are NOT Guiding Teams

  • Advise club members who are not on project teams to join the waitlist
  • Manage the waitlist - serve as a point of contact for members who are verified but are not on an active project team
  • Serving as a point of contact for unverified members who may have questions about the club

Quarters We are Guiding Teams (all of the above responsibilities + more listed below)

During Team Formation Day

  • Team formation day is a special general meeting during the Autumn and Winter quarters. We divide new members into groups based on experience and then allow them to form smaller project groups based on similar interests.
  • Each onboarding lead should be Project Managing at least two teams.

At a typical general meeting

  • Act as your new team’s temporary project manager until they choose one from their team.
  • Check-in on Project Team progress. Use the following stand-up questions to guide your discussion:
    • What have you accomplished over the last week?
    • What roadblocks did you face over the last week?
    • What do you plan on accomplishing over the next two weeks?